Sunday, April 23, 2023

     New Age Morals 

The following will discuss, modern immoral activities and addictions, and why many of them not only steer Christians away from God’s path and morality, but also how a Christian can steer away from these immoral activities and addictions.                                                                                                  

Alcoholism, recreational drugs, fornication (Sexual activity before marriage), marital adultery, nightclubbing, bars, and more recently, the promoting of LGBT are some of the main things that has taken a hold of Western society, and steered them away from God and Christianity, and annihilated Christian culture in the West, to the point of nearly exterminating Christianity.  Once people follow these ways, they no longer feel they need to follow the ways that God the father and Jesus Christ has asked us to live.                                

The above activities in italics have been promoted in liberal Western democracies to society, and have over the last several decades, slowly but surely wiped out our religion, as well as any existence Christianity morality in Western society.  From the time a Westerner is born, to the time they die, they are inundated relentlessly with TV ads, billboards, movies and music, promoting lewd images, fornication, marital adultery alcohol, gambling and more recently, forcing down the throats of LGBT culture.

I will go through some of them and explain how Christians should avoid them, and why they should.


Alcohol/Recreational Drugs/Nightclubbing/Bars

1 Peter 4:3-5 (NKJV)

3 For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. 4 They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living, and they heap abuse on you. 5 But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.


Nightclubbing and bars have become a favourite past time of the average young Westerner on Friday and Saturday nights.  However what comes with this, is serious degeneracy.   Drinking, recreational drugs, going to the club or bar to ‘’pick up someone for the night’’, is what often inevitably follows.  Most people that go to a club, will claim ‘’they have to drink, in order to have a good time’’.  And that it’s ‘’boring without drinking’’.  Think about that for a minute…  You’re are going to a place for recreation – But that place is only enjoyable, if you enter a mind altering state, through alcohol or recreational drugs.

I don’t know about you the reader, but if one of the recreational activities I like to do, (eg. watching sport) got unenjoyable to the point where I didn’t really want to do it anymore, would I,

a. Simply stop watching sport, and find something else to do?,


b. Literally start drinking till I got drunk in order to enjoy watching sport?

Obviously if I picked option b, you’d think I’m strange or there might be something wrong with me.

Yet that’s what most people are literally doing, when they attend nightclubbing and bars.  Only the devil, can convince people to go somewhere that is so average, to down right crap, that they actually have to drink or take recreational drugs, in order to enjoy themselves there.   If any readers disagree, I challenge you the reader, for the next 10 times in a row, you go clubbing or to a bar, go without touching alcohol or recreational drugs.  Completely dry.  Than come back, and tell me if you still like clubbing and bars, and enjoy yourself there…


Fornication and Lust

1 Corinthians 6:9 (NKJV)

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,


1 Corinthians 10:7-8 (KJV)

8 Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.


Matthew 5:27-28 (NIV)

27 You have heard that it was said, ''You shall not commit adultery. 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.  


Fornication, meaning sexual activity before marriage, is another activity that lead people away from the path of God, that is promoted through liberal, secular Western society on a non-stop basis. 

This has led many people astray, & many have found it difficult to combat their sexual urges, or lustful thoughts particularly in modern times.  A way of dealing with these sexual urges & thoughts can be the following:

If you're thinking of getting involved with someone sexually before marriage, ask yourself:  Would I want my future wife doing this same thing right now, with some other guy?  Would I want my future daughter, doing this?  

Remember, this girl you're wanting to get involved with sexually, will be someone's future wife one day, or some kid's mum one day.  Would you want some other guy trying to lure your future wife to gratify their own self centered sexual pleasure?  Instead of treating her with respect & love?  

In regards to lust over coming you, ask yourself, would I think lustfully about my own mum, sister, cousin, or a best friend's wife?  If you're a female, would you feel lust over your dad, brother or cousin, no matter how attractive they may look to others?  Most people will say, ''of course not''.  Because you have love, respect & reverence for them.  Therefore if you are allowing lust to overcome you in regards to someone else, do you really love & respect that person?  

You may say, ''the person lured me'' by the skimpy way they dressed or acted.  But that excuse sounds like Adam in the garden of Eden.  When Adam blamed Eve, & worst of all blamed God instead of taking responsibility for his sin by saying, ''The women YOU put here gave me the [forbidden] fruit, & I ate it.'' Genesis 3:12.  Yes, while Eve also did wrong, when it comes to confession, we confess our owns sins, not the sins of others. 

Many people, especially Christians, understandably would want a future marital spouse that is pure, &  their only experience is you.  You become a lot more special to that person, if you’re their only experience, not to mention knowing that they haven’t been around, shows you that they have discipline, when it comes to controlling their urges, therefore would likely make a much more trustworthy spouse, that's less likely to cheat.  

However in order to gain someone like that, one must be also be the same, rather than be hypocritical.  Doing the opposite & being hypocritical, has the following affect:

For example, you go to a lake with plenty of fish.  You decide to poison the water for fun & to fill time.  You than encourage your friends to do the same, & as a flow on, they encourage their friends to do the same for years.  You than turn 30.  You decide you want to go to the lake & catch a clean fish to take home… Only problem is, for years in your teens & 20s, you, your friends, & their friends were poisoning the lake, therefore the fish.  You turn 30, & now there’s no clean fish left in the lake?  And now you realise, that you really don't want to take home the fish below, for marriage:


How us men act, has a flow on effect to society.  If we poison our immediate surroundings, it flows on to the rest of society.  And you won’t exactly find that ‘’good girl/clean fish’’ you were after.  Therefore, us men, need to set the example for others.  

Marital Adultery

1 Corinthians 6:9 (NKJV)

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,


If you have the urges to cheat on your wife, ask yourself:

Would you want your wife to be doing this to you? 

Would you want your future son-in-law to be doing this to your daughter? 

What would you do to your son-in-law if you found out he cheated on your daughter?   You’d probably wish to physically harm him I’m guessing?  

Than should you be doing it yourself?

Not to mention, if you get found out, the likeliness of a divorce, and splitting of your family. 

Is something you’ll live with for the rest of your life, really worth it for a short, temporary so called ''pleasure''?

Not to mention leaving your spouse for a younger person.  While it seem fine at first.  Ask yourself, how do you know the relationship younger person will actually last?  Many times, older people have left their marriage and family, and thrown everything away for the lust of a younger person – Only for the relationship with the younger person to not even last.  So they threw it all for nothing.  Bravo.

Don’t be one of those people.



While there’s no specific bible verse on gambling, gambling has resulted in the break of many Christian marriages and families.

I’ll just leave it with this simple logic:

If you had a good chance of winning more money than you lose, over the long term, than guess what?  Casinos & pokies wouldn’t exist.  They’d have gone out of business a very long time ago, because of people like you, would be ''winning'', more than they lost.

The reason they not only survive, but make hundreds of millions of dollars in profit per year… Because people that bet with them over time, lose A LOT more than they win.  

Therefore once you understand this logic, hopefully that can help you steer away from betting and gambling.

Even small ''fun bets'' on the football or horses.  Why waste $50 for example?  Depending on your wage, that’s generally at least,  1 hour worth of labour at your work, that you have now worked for nothing.  Now you’re throwing that 1 or 2 hours of work down the toilet.  It's best to not work for nothing, nor fund companies that profit off the misery of others. 


Bucks/Hens Nights 

Matthew 5:27-28 (NIV)

27 You have heard that it was said, ''You shall not commit adultery. 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.  


Bucks and Hens nights, which are now a norm of premarital celebrations in Western society, more often than not, include the hiring of strippers.  Is celebrating spending the rest of your life, with your future wife, by looking at and getting lap dancing from a group of other naked females, the best way to celebrate getting married to her?  Or would you like your wife to celebrate getting married to you, by doing the same with Male strippers?

In the movie Braveheart, based in the 13th century AD, English soldiers attempt to rape the soon-to-be wife of the main character, William Wallace.  Like any semi-normal masculine male would, William Wallace attempts to fight back and attempts to protect his soon to be wife.

However… in the 21st century, the ''modern'', ''progressive'' male, instead prefers to voluntary give their soon to be wife, to be groped, grinded on, and in many cases even much, much further, by a bunch of naked male strippers at her hens night.  As we can see, the ''progressive'' male species has come a long way…

I recommend you strictly avoid these nights.  Nothing good comes out of them.  Even if person tells you, they’ll be no strippers, often their friends, for their own entertainment, will bring them anyway.

If you feel awkward, telling a friend you don’t want to go to their bucks/bachelor night, let them know you have something else on that night that you can’t avoid.  Or simply tell them, it’s not personal, but as a Christian, you don’t go to these nights.  If they’re really your friend, they’ll respect your beliefs and religion.  If they keep pressuring and nagging you to come, remind them to not keep acting like woman by nagging you. They are not your wife or girlfriend to nag you...

Avoid these nights of debauchery and degeneracy.  They are in no way, to celebrate a Christian marriage.  Leave this sort of things to the atheists with their open marriages…

And finally making God the center of your life

If you have an addiction, & feel powerless in overcoming a temptation, ask God for his help, & acknowledge that you can't do it without him.  Also make God the center of your life.  How?  Aim to read the bible every day, for even just 30 minutes.  Also pray every day.  Make God the center of your life.  Man's original sin was disobeying God & eating the forbidden apple, because Adam & Eve wanted a life autonomous from God, rather than obeying God & living with God.  That is why Adam & Eve lost paradise.  Making God central in your life & living with him, can help free you of temptation.  Where as wanting to live autonomously from God, is what brings ruin in life, such as bad relationships, relationship breaks up, divorces, family break ups, substance abuse, anger, life regrets etc.  We see that now as simply the norm, in Godless western liberal societies.

If you feel yourself falling into temptation, ask yourself:  Do I want to live autonomous from God like Adam & Eve chose to, when they chose to do their own thing, & eat the forbidden fruit?  Or do I want to live with God in Eden?  

 Click on picture to enlarge
The Virgin Mary
One whom didn't involve in degeneracy, but followed the path of God
